Ananta Global Hospitality


Ananta Global Hospitality is an extension of Ananta Hotels & Resorts. At Ananta Global, we collaborate with preexisting properties and uplift them through Ananta’s Management. We tend to add Ananta’s flavour to these properties so that they get the appreciation they deserve. We have three branches under Ananta Global Hospitality - Elite, Express, and Inn. We categorize properties based on their infrastructure, number of rooms and past performance. We have a corporate team that coordinates with the hotel's owners and tries to find a middle ground for operations. Global is known for its organizational communication and productivity. Ananta is all about sustainability, tranquillity, freshness, and hospitality. It is our mission to inculcate these values into these properties. Currently, we have Ananta Global Hotels in Jaipur, Kota, Pali, and Ranthambore.


To expand outside the state of Rajasthan and help in the boom of India’s hospitality structure.